[Video] Well Known Creepy Photos With Disturbing Backstories

Let’s face it, we love taking pictures. We’ll take pictures of anything and everything - from selfies to celebrities, from the inexplicably strange to the downright mundane. This isn’t anything new. Since the early 1800s, camera technology steadily improved to the point that pictures could be taken almost anywhere or anytime. Photographs often left little to the imagination as they displayed a real life image instead of an artist’s interpretation. For many people, the picture didn’t hide anything, instead displaying its subject for all to see.

Photographs and photography remain just as popular today as during the first years of the camera.

At first glance, each of the following pictures tells its own story. However, each story has a substantial backstory which drastically changes the mood and interpretation of the photograph being viewed. Most of these pictures are very well known or even infamous. 

On their own, some are pretty creepy while others take a bit of searching before the darker meaning of the picture sinks in. In all cases, these pictures have a disturbing backstory which can take things from creepy to just plain uncomfortable in a very short span of time. What you see isn’t what you always get here.

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