Meet Tang Xianli, a 95-year-old man who knocks out thief to the ground

A man was planning to find a pushover to steal Tang's wallet on a bus in Chongqing eventually he met a Qigong master instead and was beaten down in the process.
Tang Xianli, 95, who has been practicing Qigong, a Chinese deep breathing exercise, since 71 years old. Tang told Chongqing Morning News that he was worried that he might have severely wounded the thief after hitting him.
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Tang hit the thief on the scapula after he found a man was trying to take his wallet. However, seeing how badly the thief was hurt, Tang finally decided to let him go free.
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Tang practices Qigong three hours every day and his daily schedule includes using a four-kilogram hammer to beat his belly, chest, back and head.

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