Being neither human nor animal, the ape-men would have posed a new type of threat to the western world. Stalin could not have been reprimanded for his actions due to a lack of legislation regarding mutant warfare.
Warfare was not the only purpose these ape-men would serve. A hard-working force that asked no questions and did not question authority would have alligned itself perfectly with the socialist utopia. They would have been willing to work and live together; greed and the desire to own property would have been weeded out.
As an added bonus, creating a human-ape hybrid would have proven Darwin’s theory of evolution. If men and apes could be crossbred, religion would have been dealt a powerful blow by dismantling creationism. Eliminating religion was also one of the top priorities of the Bolsheviks.
In order to achieve this goal, Stalin enlisted the help of biologist Ilia Ivanov. Ivanov had experience in the field of hybridization and he had previously created multiple crosses between different animal species. He was certain that a hybrid between man and his closest relatives could be achieved.
In 1930 he received a new shipment of chimps but soon fell victim to the widespread purge of scientists and was exiled to Kazakhstan where he died. His plan to create ape-men died with him.